Our Wellness Tracker Features 176 Pages including 10 Weeks of Daily Physical Activty and Nutrition Tracking
Plus weekly wellness self-evaluations and goal-setting guidance. Great to use with Evergreen Wellness fitness DVD programs or another program you may be following.

Keep Track of Every Way You Move Your Body
Everyday movements are just as important to your health as exercise. Go walking in the mall. Play with grandkids. Any and all kinds of physical activities are worth noting in your Wellness Tracker.

Become Mindful of Your Entire Lifestyle
By being focused on your entire lifestyle (both physical activity and nutrition), you can bring about positive change.

Easy-to-Use Daily Tracking Forms
Enjoy large print and wide spaces in which to write. Journal how you feel each day. Reflect on building healthy habits over time without getting bogged down in endless statistical analysis (no counting calories, fitness reps, or steps).

You’re As Young As You Feel
It’s really true. If you’re ready to look and feel younger, take control of your lifestyle with the help of Wellness Tracker from Evergreen Wellness.